Poetry by Marilyn Monroe

I could have loved you once
and even said it
But you went away,
When you came back it was too late
And love was a forgotten word.

O, Time
Be Kind
Help this weary being
To forget what is sad to remember
Loose my loneliness,
Ease my mind,
While you eat my flesh.


I left my home of green rough wood,
A blue velvet couch.
I dream till now
A shiny dark bush
Just left of the door.
Down the walk
Clickity clack
As my doll in her carriage
Went over the cracks-
"We'll go far away."


Don't cry my doll
Don't cry
I hold you and rock you to sleep
Hush hush
I'm pretending now
I'm not your mother who died.


Help help
Help I feel life coming closer
When all I want to do is die.

From time to time
I make it rhyme
but don't hold that kind
of thing
Oh well, what the hell,
so it won't sell.
What I want to tell-
is what's on my mind:
'taint Dishes,
'taint Wishes,
it's thoughts
flinging by
before I die-
and to think
in ink.

Good nite
and sweet repose
Where ever you lay your head-
I hope you find your nose-

"I hope you find your nose"?? CUTE, Ms. Monroe. :cb


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