man·ic /ˈmænɪk/
pertaining to or affected by mania.
1900–05; < Gk manikós inclined to madness. See mania, -ic
—Related forms
hy·per·man·ic, adjective
sub·man·ic, adjective
frenzied, agitated, frantic.
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August is the heavy grapes in the vineyard, and the lacy leaf where the Japanese beetle feasted. August is a hastening sun, earlier to bed and later to rise. August is summer thinking of the cut and color of her autumn costume.
Your Sun Sign: Capricorn Element: Earth Key Planet: Saturn The sure-footed Mountain Goat can climb to higher altitudes than any other mammal. And you sure-footed Capricorns are also well-suited for climbing. You set high goals for yourself and then you overcome whatever obstacles may appear between you and the top of your personal mountain. As you climb the ladder of success, your ambition pushes you forward. Status can be important to you and often, at the top of your game, you gain personal satisfaction by knowing that others respect you for what you have accomplished. Motto: "If opportunity doesn't knock, then build a door." Greatest Strength: Your ability to overcome obstacles Possible Weakness: Too much work and not enough play What's a Moon Sign? Your Moon Sign: Taurus Solid and steady, you tend to prefer a regular routine of ease and security to a life of surprises and sudden change. Traditional astrology calls the Moon "exalte...
“We study the problem. We’ve been studying it for damn well near a century, yes, but we get no further with our studies. You’ve got a good home here, good loving parents. You’ve got not too bad of a brain! Is it some devil that crawls inside of you?” "Then I looked at its top sheet, and there was the name -A CLOCKWORK ORANGE- and I said: 'That's a fair gloopy title. Who ever heard of a clockwork orange?'" “Choice. The boy has no real choice, has he? Self-interest, the fear of physical pain drove him to that grotesque act of self-abasement. Its insincerity was clearly to be seen. He ceases to be a wrongdoer. He ceases also to be a creature capable of moral choice.” A lot of idiots you are, selling your own birthright for a saucer of cold porridge! The thrill of theft! Of violence! The urge to live easy! Well, I ask you what is it worth when we have undeniable truth, yes, incontrovertible evidence that Hell exists." "Excellent. He's enterprising, ...
Universal truth is infinite and reaches magnificent pillars followed by epiphanies which can occur in the blink of ones eye only after quite some time and searching on your journey through life. That being said, absolute truth can be seemingly and ultimately unattainable in it's totality for humanity as a whole, and is undoubtedly interwoven with lies and misinformation which can easily distract, combat and deceive seekers of peace, knowledge, justice and truth, and of course , this mendacity should be either exposed or refuted to be cast aside and ignored whenever encountered and possible. The wise admit to acknowledging what's right and wrong but never claim to have all the answers, just through hypothesis, knowledge/study, observations, theories, facts, philosophies, art, music, science and a deep, honest desire to disseminate truth and understanding, beauty, and even to grasp the depravity; the overall awareness behind our existence as it is perceived. sensed, felt, se...