
Showing posts from December, 2010


Punk Rock Love is… by Aaron Cometbus Originally appeared in  the May 1992 Cometbus Also found in Despite Everything: A Cometbus Omnibus Punk Rock Love is… Punk rock love is fucking behind the dumpster down the street from the show. Fucking in the shower at the Hotel Carlton. Making out in the recycle bin. Looking at her tattoos while she’s asleep. Taking showers together. Playing checkers with cigarette butts. Watching her band play . Dumpstering veggies together and then going back to her place and cooking up a feast. Knowing the same parts of the same songs. Both of you having the same ex-girlfriend. Punk rock love is having to tie her shoes for her cuz she’s too drunk. Kissing under the overpass. Her sending you her whole diary to read. Her giving you ten rolls of duct tape for your birthday. Her beating up skinheads. Going to the prom on her motorcylce and checking in the helmets at the coatcheck. Getting astonished stares from all the jocks who thought you were...

The Folk Implosion - Natural One (1995)
